University of Minnesota

In my current role as Marketing & Multimedia Manager at the University of Minnesota’s Student Unions & Activities, I lead a creative team of six in producing thousands of print and digital assets annually and manage a variety of marketing and communication campaigns to meet organizational goals. I drive content strategy, provide creative direction, and manage a multimedia budget. I oversee projects to ensure deliverables meet deadlines, align with branding and accessibility standards, and are guided by audience data, analytics, and best practices, resulting in effective campaigns that build brand awareness and resonate with the diverse University community. 


SUA's last brand campaign was implemented in 2020, during the pandemic. Our "connect to campus" messaging had become outdated and was not resonating as strongly with students, so I initiated the development of a new campaign starting with audience research, a SWOT and competitor analysis, and seeking feedback from students. We identified a lack of awareness outside of Homecoming & Spring Jam (two of our key events) and chose to lean into the abbreviated students are already using (SUA), joining the conversation instead of fighting it. The campaign, "SUA is..." allows us to showcase every aspect of our brand, from arts and culture to music, events, jobs, reservable space, and more.

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Click the images below to view each portfolio.

Indian Creek
nature center

As Senior Marketing Manager, I oversaw all marketing and communication efforts, including a robust archive of photos, videos, graphics and other marketing materials.

cedar Rapids tourism

I've contributed content to the Cedar Rapids Tourism Office for many years, both as a former staff member (Content Manager) and freelancer.


My photojournalism portfolio includes my work as a multimedia reporter at The Gazette, as well as work , abroad, and freelancing.


I love supporting small businesses. Services include photography, videography, graphic design, marketing consulting and more. Have an idea? Let's chat!